Home Board Game News Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Wave 3 Ships

Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Wave 3 Ships


This past weekend Fantasy Flight Games announced the 4 ships to be released in the Wave 3 expansion for their popular Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures game (full review here). There had been much speculation and guessing over the past few months as to which ships they would choose. Well the announcement is here and your Wave 3 ships include: The HWK-290, Lambda-class Shuttle, B-Wing, and TIE Bomber. Of those, only the HWK-290 is a surprise. The other 3 have been at the top of people’s guess list for many months. The expansion includes 2 support type ships and 2 ships with a lot of offensive firepower. Here is a quick run down of each ship:

HWK-290 ShipThe HWK-290 is a support ship for the Rebels. Highlights include:

  • Small ship base
  • Four ship cards and three unique pilots, including Kyle Katarn
  • 1 Turret weapon
  • 1 Crew member
  • Six upgrade options, including the unique Moldy Crow title card
  • Stats are: 1 Attack,  2 Defense, 4 Hull and 1 Shield


The Lambda-class Shuttle is a support ship for the Imperials. Highlights include:

  • Large ship base
  • Colonel Jendon pilot card
  • 1 Canon weapon
  • 1 System upgrade (a new feature in Wave 3)
  • 2 Crew members
  • Twelve upgrade cards
  • Stats are: 3 Attack,  1 Defense, 5 Hull and 5 Shield

B-Wing Miniature

The B-Wing is a offensive ship for the Rebels. Highlights include:

  • Small ship base
  • Nova Squadron Pilot
  • 1 Canon weapon
  • 1 System upgrade (a new feature in Wave 3)
  • 2 Torpedoes, including the new Advanced Proton Torpedoes
  • Twelve upgrade cards
  • Stats are: 3 Attack,  1 Defense, 3 Hull and 5 Shield

TIE Bomber Expansion

The TIE Bomber is a offensive ship for the Imperials. Highlights include:

  • Small ship base
  • Scimitar Squadron Pilot
  • 1 Bomb, including the Proton Bombs
  • 2 Missiles
  • 2 Torpedoes
  • Stats are: 2 Attack,  2 Defense, 6 Hull and 0 Shield

So there you have it. I’m looking forward to adding these ships to my existing collection of minis. We can expect these to hit the stores later this year. Which one are you most looking forward to?


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