Home Board Game News Vengeance Giveaway

Vengeance Giveaway



It’s giveaway time! Thanks to the generosity of the fine folks at Mighty Boards, we are giving away a copy of Vengeance, with all included stretch goals (once it’s produced of course).

Vengeance is a miniatures board game that embodies the essence of pulp revenge movies like Kill Bill, Old Boy, Django Unchained and the like. You play a hero that has been left for dead by shady underworld gangs, out to avenge yourself.”

If that sounds interesting to you, there is a wealth of information to be found on the game’s Kickstarter page.

If you want a chance to get a free copy of Vengeance, well you’re in luck then. As we said above, we are giving away one shiny new copy after it rolls off the production line. To enter, just use the form below. You have until Wednesday, September 28th to enter. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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    • Oops. Thanks for catching that. We’ve kicked the gremlins out of the system and it should be working properly now.

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