Home Board Game News Unmatched: Little Red Riding Hood vs. Beowulf Releases Today from Restoration Games

Unmatched: Little Red Riding Hood vs. Beowulf Releases Today from Restoration Games


Unmatched Beowulf Little Red

UnmatchedRestoration Games dropped a surprise release on everyone today for their Unmatched line of games. If you haven’t played Unmatched yet, it’s a light skirmish game featuring a wide variety of characters from the literary past (and a few licensed ones as well). We’ve covered the core game and the Cobble and Fog expansion on the site, so if you want the full run down, you can check out our reviews there.

But today, Little Red Riding Hood now gets to face off against Beowulf himself. From what I can tell from digging for information, Little Red Riding Hood uses a basket mechanic (also her discard pile) that will create combos for her. Matching icons on cards in her basket will trigger in-game effects. For Beowulf, he seems to use a rage mechanic to power up his attacks. Taking damage will fill up his rage meter (tokens) which can be spent when he plays cards for bonuses. Both of these heroes come with a single sidekick: The Huntsman for Little Red and Wigalf for Beowulf. The game board is a double-sided layout of the Heorot battlefield.

One of the benefits of the Unmatched system, other than its streamlined accessible rules, is that games in the series can be mix and matched with any of the previous releases. So you can pick up this one and have Little Red Riding Hood fight the raptors from Jurassic Park or Sherlock Holmes from the Cobble and Fog set. Hopefully, we’ll get a chance to try out this one to see how it stacks up vs Restoration’s previous releases.

Unmatched: Little Red Riding Hood vs. Beowulf is available now from the Restoration Games website for $25 (plus $5.30 shipping) with orders placed by December 10th arriving in time for Christmas.

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