Home Board Game News The Manhattan Project – Digital Edition

The Manhattan Project – Digital Edition


The Manhattan Project Game BoxA few months ago, we took a spin with the tabletop game The Manhattan Project. If you missed our review of this great worker placement game, you can check it out here. (Spoiler Alert: It’s great!). We also reviewed the Nations and Second Stage expansion for those interested. In short, The Manhattan Project is worth checking out if you’ve never played it.

Fans of this eurogame got a pleasant surprise yesterday morning with the launch of a new Kickstarter campaign for a digital version of The Manhattan Project. It looks like the app has been in development for a while as there are already some screen shots and game play video. However, development isn’t cheap and the Kickstarter campaign is seeking to raise $30,000 to fully fund this game (With some great looking stretch goals planned).

The Manhattan Project iPad
Even in the early stages, the digital version of The Manhattan Project looks pretty good.

If your a fan of the game, then this should be a now brainier for you. A $10 pledge will get you a copy of the game (on any platform you choose), with some other options if you’d like to get early access as a beta tester. Even if you’ve never played The Manhattan Project, this could be a great way to try out a hot new eurogame.

If you’d like to back this project, you have until Monday Dec 9th to become a backer with the game scheduled to be released in March of 2014. I really hope The Manhattan Project hits its funding goal as I’d love to play it on my iPad. Not since the digital version of Pandemic was released have I been this excited for a digital version of a board game. You can also watch some early game play video below. Check it out.

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    • We are currently putting the game through the paces and will have a review online in the coming weeks.


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