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The Game Card Game Giveaway


The Game Giveaway

Welcome to our first giveaway of 2016. We had a lot of fun last year showering you guys with free swag and we hope to continue that trend this year.

This past December, I bought a copy of The Game for my wife for Christmas. Due to some turtle like speed from the US Postal Service, the copy I ordered didn’t arrive in time so I was force to scramble to get another copy of it. Fortunately, I was able to pick one up at my FLGS. However, now we have 2 copies of The Game, so our loss becomes your gain!

The Game, despite having one of the most generic names for a card game ever, was a 2015 Spiel des Jahres nominee. If you’ve never heard of this prestigious German gaming award, it’s kind of a big deal. While The Game ultimately lost out to Colt Express (fantastic game by the way), it still ended up being a highly accessible and fun cooperative card game.

Anyway, long story short (too late, I know), I’m giving away my extra copy of The Game to one lucky reader. All you have to do is answer one simple question below. And as usual, there are a few other ways to earn entries. 🙂

You have until Saturday, January 9th to enter. Good luck!

Thanks to all who entered. Our winner was Keith P. from Ohio.

We’ll be in touch with you about getting your game.


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