The micro game genre has been incredibly popular ever since Love Letter debuted. Personally, I’m a big fan of the genre. There are times when I want to play a game but don’t have a whole lot of time. Enter the micro game. Most can be played in under 20 minutes, are inexpensive and are still a lot of fun.
Recently, the card game Tessen has caught my eye. First, I’m a huge fan of Japanese culture, so the theme intrigued me right off the bat. Tessen can be played in 15 minutes and involves the players gathering mystical animals and using their warriors on offense and defense. Featuring simultaneous game play, Tessen has unique game play that makes it feel almost like a dexterity game.
From the Kickstarter page:
• Fast fun, but also with a good mix of strategy and tactics • A thematic setting – feudal Japan • Language agnosticgameplay! No words to read other than the rules. • Quick playtime – most matches can be played in 15 minutes or less. Single rounds sometimes take under 2 minutes!
I’m loving the Japanese style artwork in Tessen.
• Incredible art by illustrator Wayne O’Connor • Colorblind friendly graphic design!
• A great price – Only $12 gets the game shipped to you! • TWO mini-expansions included from day 1 • A Money back guarantee exclusive to Kickstarter backers
The campaign for Tessen seems to be very well done and I’m loving the artwork for the game. There are already a number of reviews for you to read and a couple game play videos. With all this information, you should have no problems making an informed decision. The game has already hit its funding goal and is well on its way to achieving some stretch goals. If you’d like to be a backer, a $12 pledge will get you a copy of the game with the game being scheduled to arrive in backer hands in February 2014. You have until Monday, September 2nd to become a backer, so head over there today if you’d like to pledge.