Home Board Game News Star-Lord Hero Expansion for Marvel Champions Revealed from Fantasy Flight Games

Star-Lord Hero Expansion for Marvel Champions Revealed from Fantasy Flight Games


Star LordPublisher Fantasy Flight Games has officially announced the next Hero Pack for their award-winning Marvel Champions LCG. Players will soon be able to control Star-Lord as they take on their villain of choice.

From their news release:
“Star-Lord leads the Guardians of the Galaxy into battle against the villain in this expansion pack, which introduces Star-Lord as a brand-new playable hero, along with his fifteen signature cards. Fittingly, Star-Lord uses the Leadership aspect, and you’ll find a full assortment of new Leadership cards, as well as plenty of cards that reward you for uniting the Guardians of the Galaxy. With the new Guardian synergies unlocked, and a new player card for every aspect that rewards you for using the Aerial trait, you won’t want to let the Star-Lord Hero Pack fly past you.”

With The Galaxy’s Most Wanted campaign expansion releasing soon, it’s not much of a surprise that Star-Lord is joining the ranks. The Galaxy’s Most Wanted was already bringing Groot and Rocket as playable characters, so it was only a matter of time until more of the Guardians were revealed. And Star-Lord being the leader of the team was an obvious choice for a hero pack. I’d expect to see Gamora and Drax to be in the pipeline at the very least.

Star Lord Cards

Star-Lord’s alter ego form, Peter Quill, gives you your Element Gun during setup (much like Captain America gets with his shield), and his smooth talker skill lets you swap a card in your hand with the top card of your deck. I could see this being a great way to save a card for a future turn that you can’t afford to play (or don’t want to).

As Star-Lord, his “What Could Go Wrong” skill might appeal to riskier players. You can gain an encounter card to reduce the cost of the next card you play by 3. His hero stats are also solid, with 2 thwart and attack, but only 1 defense. Although I rarely defend anyway, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

The Star-Lord hero pack is due to arrive in stores this May. You can find out more information on the Fantasy Flight Games news page.


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