Home Board Game News Ritual Spell Book and Witch Class for 5e Giveaway

Ritual Spell Book and Witch Class for 5e Giveaway


We’ve recently published our first impressions of Ritual Spell Book and Witch Class for 5e from Fumble Folks, which launched on Kickstarter on the 31st of October. You can read our preview if you are curious about this exciting addition to your D&D adventures.

Ritual Spell Book and the Witch Class for 5e is an addition to Fumble Folk’s previously released Beginner’s Bundle for D&D. The content from this book can be used with previous books.

Today is your lucky day if you want your copy of Fumble Folks’ Beginner’s Bundle for D&D. Thanks to the generosity of Fumble Folks, we are giving away a brand new copy of the Beginner’s Bundle to one lucky reader in “the UK only.

Entering to win is easy. Just click on the widget below.

Please note that this Giveaway is for residents in the UK only. If you’re not a resident of the UK we cannot ship you the bundle.

You have until Friday, the 18th of November, 2022 to enter, with the winner announced shortly after that. Good luck!

The Kickstarter campaign for Ritual Spell Book and Witch Class for 5e runs from the 31st of October for 20 days.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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