Home Board Game News New Expansion Coming for Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth

New Expansion Coming for Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth


Lord of the Rings ExpansionFantasy Flight Games has announced another expansion for the cooperative adventure game Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth. The newest addition to the game will be entitled Spreading War. Set to arrive in retail in October 2021, Spreading War takes place in the kingdoms of Gondor and Rohan. Here’s more from FFG’s press release:

“Taking place in the proud kingdoms of Gondor and Rohan, this expansion unlocks an all-new campaign with fifteen scenarios that see you traveling between the kingdoms and defending them from enemy forces. Spreading War also comes with six new heroes, over 20 enemy miniatures, 18 double-sided journey map tiles, new roles, new terrain types, and much, much more!”

The release also notes that the campaign spans the length of a year in-game and the decisions made by players will shape the journey and outcome of the story.

Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth released in 2019 and is ranked 89th on BGG’s Top 100 games. The game’s Shadowed Path expansion offers 13 new scenarios and there are already a number of figure packs available that add new villain miniatures, trinkets, and titles to the game.

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  1. I found the core game for $13.99 at Goodwill. Greatest find ever as far as board games go. I picked up the expansion and 2 figure/enemy sets after that. Nice to see this new expansion coming out. Honestly, it’s about time they start expanding this game, and they should also get to work on releasing new LOTR LCG material. Their LOTR line has been put on the backburner for far too long now. Hopefully, this the beginning of them waking up and starting to produce more stuff for it.


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