Home Board Game News Mythic Games, Privateer Press Announce Plans for Monsterpocalypse Big-Box Game

Mythic Games, Privateer Press Announce Plans for Monsterpocalypse Big-Box Game


Privateer Press and Mythic Games announced plans to launch a Kickstarter for a new, big-box product version of Monsterpocalpyse before the conclusion of 2021. According to the release, the new version will be 100% compatible with existing miniatures in the Monsterpocalpyse world. It will play the same and require no assembly.

Here’s more information from the release:

MonsterpocalpyseThis board game version of the classic skirmish game aims to provide the same feeling as the original game while making it more accessible and “pick and play.” Choose your agenda (Protectors or Destroyers) and lead your units into the city to hunt down your opponent while destroying everything that gets in your way!

The new version of Monsterpocalpyse will include a core box for two players, a multi-player expansion that will feature co-op, and competitive gameplay for up to four players. In addition, there will be a double-sided game board, and all of the dice and tokens you need to play anywhere from 1-4 players competitively, cooperatively, or solo.

Mythic Games, the fourth-highest grossing board game manufacturer on Kickstarter, and Privateer Press expect delivery for Monsterpocalpyse to occur in late 2022. For more information, click here.


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