Home Board Game News Monopoly to Remove Iconic Game Piece

Monopoly to Remove Iconic Game Piece


Monopoly Save Your TokenI normally don’t write about Monopoly on this site. It’s not very high on my list of games to play on a Saturday night. That being said, one cannot argue that it occupies a very large place in board game history. Almost everyone in the modern world has played some form of Monopoly (or at least knows of it). Monopoly has been around since the early 1900s, and since that time, not much has changed with the game. That is, unless you could the thousands of differently themed “-opoly” games that have spawned from it.

So it’s somewhat interesting that Monopoly’s publisher, Hasbro, has decided to retire one of its iconic gaming pieces. I’m sure you are all currently on the edge of your seat, wondering if your favorite piece, the thimble, will be the one to get the axe. Well, in a clever marketing twist, Hasbro is letting the social media world of facebook and twitter make that decision. You can head over to Monopoly’s Facebook page and cast your vote. The one with the fewest votes will be retired. You can also vote for your favorite replacement options from: a diamond ring, toy robot, cat, guitar or helicopter. All future Monopoly games will have this new token. However, Hasbro still has plans to sell you a “special edition” version with the classic tokens.  You have until February 5 to cast your vote, so if you want your voice heard, head over there now.


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