Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarters of the Week: 7/11

Kickstarters of the Week: 7/11


July rolls on and this week we have a smallish block of campaigns for you to check out. I’m guessing things will slow down a bit this month as publishers get ready for the annual Gen Con game convention at the start of August.

Speaking of conventions, if you missed it, Dylan released his Origins 2022 recap where he talked about his favorite games from the convention. Also, we recently released our newest quiz. This time, we help you find a theme park board game that’s a good fit for you.

Also, if you want to chat with the BGQ team, be sure to join our Discord Server where we talk about games, movies, sports, and other fun stuff.

Beyond HumanityBeyond Humanity: Astrominers

Your chance to own the Collector’s Edition of Astrominers is here! Join the mission now, as the launch countdown has already begun!

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $89+
Ends: Tuesday, July 12th
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Plan epic vacations by drawing travel routes on your globe in this new game from the creators of Canvas.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $53+
Ends: Tuesday, July 12th
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Legendary KingdomsLegendary Kingdoms – Pirates of the Splintered Isles

Book 3 in the Legendary Kingdoms RPG gamebook series. An epic, choose-your-own adventure style gamebook set in a sandbox fantasy world.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: £25+
Ends: Thursday, July 14th
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Flick FleetFlickFleet: Xeno Wars

A new stand-alone expansion for the FlickFleet space battle dexterity game which adds two new alien species and rules for more than two players.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: £45+
Ends: Sunday, July 17th
Check it out

Dice ThroneDice Throne: Santa VS Krampus

Two new and original Dice Throne heroes battle in this exciting, accessible stand-alone dueling game. Delivered by Christmas.*

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $35+
Ends: Monday, July 18th
Check it out



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