Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarters of the Week: 6/21

Kickstarters of the Week: 6/21


June continues with nice weather and a distinct lack of gaming conventions. It’s kind of crazy that we would normally be talking about Origins and Dice Tower con right now, but here we are. We are still months away from the first major convention, Gen Con, and you can even still get badges and downtown hotels. What a crazy year.

If you missed it last week, we released our newest quiz. Who is your Board Game Artist BFF? This pairs up nicely with our Board Game Designer BFF quiz, so get those three-player games ready. 🙂

Dwar7sDwar7s Winter & The Lost Tribes

Winter is back, and the lost tribes are now ready, and willing, to join the dwarfs in this epic battle of survival!

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $45+
Ends: Monday, June 21st
Check it out

My Singing MonstersMy Singing Monsters: The Board Game

A fun, worker-placement style board game that adapts from casual to strategic play for the whole family or serious board gamer!

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: CA$40+
Ends: Tuesday, June 22nd
Check it out

The Isle of CatsThe Isle of Cats: Don’t forget the kittens!

Return to The Isle of Cats in brand new boats and rescue the forgotten kittens and ancient beasts that were left behind.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: £43+
Ends: Thursday, June 24th
Check it out

Fall of the Mountain kingFall of the Mountain King

A 1-5 player standalone prequel to the award winning In the Hall of The Mountain King.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: CA$95+
Ends: Thursday, June 24th
Check it out

Adventure TacticsAdventure Tactics: Adventures in Alchemy

Now Adventure Tactics includes even more classes, campaign options, and minis! Explore a co-op tactics campaign for 1-5 players.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $35+
Ends: Thursday, June 24th
Check it out

Fighters of the PAcificFighters of the Pacific

A tactical boardgame of air battles in the Pacific during WW2. Dominate the sky and destroy enemy aircraft and carriers!

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: €45+
Ends: Friday, June 25th
Check it out



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