Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarters of the Week: 5/31

Kickstarters of the Week: 5/31


Today is the last day of May and a holiday here in the US, so we’ll keep this short and sweet so you can get off to your Memorial Day BBQs and enjoy your day off. Have a great weekend and keep an eye out for a new giveaway coming soon!

Also, if you are looking to get into the skirmish game genre, we’ve got a handy quiz to help you get started. It’s a quick 10 question quiz that will help you find the right entry-level skirmish game for you. Check it out!

Micro DojoMicro Dojo

A tactical board game that fits in your pocket

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: £5+
Ends: Tuesday, June 1st
Check it out

UnFamiliarUnFamiliar: Release The Tiny Beasts

Playable Critters for 5th Edition D&D

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $12+
Ends: Wednesday, June 2nd
Check it out

Castle PanicCastle Panic Deluxe Collection

Deluxe editions of the cooperative tower defense game Castle Panic and all its expansions with miniatures, new art, and more!

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $60+
Ends: Thursday, June 3rd
Check it out

Chai Tea for 2Chai: Tea for 2—A Tea Board Game Duel!

Set sail your most delicious brews in this tea-riffic board game in the immersive ☕️ Chai series by Steeped Games.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $39+
Ends: Friday, June 4th
Check it out


CatastropheCATastrophe: A Game of 9 Lives

The 2-6 player board game as unpredictable as cats themselves, featuring famous internet cats: Lil BUB, Cole & Marmalade, Monty & more!

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $29+
Ends: Friday, June 4th
Check it out

Tussie MussieTussie Mussie: Expansion Collection by Elizabeth Hargrave

3 new expansions featuring more flowers, greenery (negative points) and ribbons (shared goals). Plus free solo expansion. Only $10!

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $10+
Ends: Saturday, June 5th
Check it out


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