Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarters of the Week: 3/18

Kickstarters of the Week: 3/18


March is over halfway through and it feels like this year is just flying by. Not much going on right now, the Gama Trade Show is over, with a sprinkling of announcements coming out of that show. Nothing groundbreaking really. If you missed it earlier in the month, we announced our Shelf of Greatness, a board game hall of fame if you will. Check it out to see the first games we inducted. Then, on to the campaigns!

BlitzkriegPaolo Mori’s Blitzkrieg! board game

Recreate World War Two in 20 minutes! The perfect wargame for non-wargamers, by renowned designer Paolo Mori.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: £20+
Ends: Thursday, March 21st
Check it out

Paladins of the West KingdomPaladins of the West Kingdom

Build fortifications, commission monks and defend the city in this unique worker drafting, action selection game for 1-4 players.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: NZ$ 78+
Ends: Thursday, March 21st
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An abstract-like game where players represent different tribes; traveling and expanding settlements in a strategy game of majorities.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: €40+
Ends: Thursday, March 21st
Check it out

Napoleaon 1807Napoléon 1807 : When the Game Meets History

Battle through History and take charge of one of the contending armies while you attempt to defeat your enemies in decisive battles!

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $70+
Ends: Friday, March 22nd
Check it out

High RiseHigh Rise

A game of construction and corruption for 1-4 players.

Current Status: 55% Funded
Pledge Amount: $59+
Ends: Monday, March 25th
Check it out



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