Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarters of the Week: 12/14

Kickstarters of the Week: 12/14


I can say this is definitely one of the lightest group of Kickstarters of the Week we’ve had a in a really long time. I think as we get closer and closer to the holidays, the amount of quality gaming campaigns is going to continue to be really light. We’ll do our best to try and find a few nuggets here and there, but I am not holding out too much hope until the New Year.

65 SquadMark H. Walker’s ’65 Squad-Level Combat in Vietnam Boardgame

It’s an exciting, card-driven, hex-and-counter board game simulating combat in Vietnam, from award-winning designer Mark H. Walker.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $44+
Ends: Thursday, December 17th

Game Over RemixGame Over Remix

It’s dangerous to go alone, so grab some friends and get ready for Battle Mode in this card game inspired by decades of classic gaming!

Current Status: 54% Funded
Pledge Amount: $22
Ends: Monday, December 21st


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