Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarters of the Week: 12/18

Kickstarters of the Week: 12/18


With only one week until Christmas, I’m sure everyone is feeling the holiday crunch. If you are still trying to do some last minute shopping, check out our 2017 Board Game Gift Guide where we present a lot of great options for you. For those of you that are already done, good job! Time to go browse some Kickstarter campaigns as a gift for yourself!

Tripods and TriplanesTripods & Triplanes, The War of the Worlds in Wings of Glory

What if the alien invaders from H.G. Wells’ classic SF novel met the flying machines of the Knights of the Air of World War 1?

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $45+

SimulacraSimulacra Games: The Wilson Wolfe Affair

Receive a crate full of seemingly innocuous goodies, find hidden clues, solve puzzles, and unearth a worldwide conspiracy.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: £59+

Kill the UnicornsKill the Unicorns – An Enchanted Card Game For Evil Geniuses

A calculated attempt to bring out the worst in people

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $20+


  1. Why does this list seem to only ever show games that have funded rather than ones that might deserve more attention?

    • That’s probably because our goal is to highlight campaigns we feel are of exceptional quality or we are very interested in. It’s not necessarily to spotlight slow moving campaigns that people don’t know about. The reason most are funded (although not all) is because we try and feature campaigns in the last week or two of their run, so people have as much information as possible when they visit the campaign page. Usually by then, people can get a much better idea of the game, including stretch goals, rulebooks and gameplay videos.


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