Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarters of the Week: 1/4

Kickstarters of the Week: 1/4


We have arrived! It’s officially 2021 and while the world hasn’t changed overnight, we can finally put that craphole that was 2020 in our rearview mirror. I have high hopes for this year (don’t we always) and am looking forward to some kind of return to normalacy. As far as the Kickstarter campaigns are concerned, we are deep into the annual Kickstarter draught. Quality campaigns this time of year (until about mid-January) are usually few and far between. But we’ll do our best to pull out some hidden gems if you can.

Also, if you’d like to take one last look back at 2020, be sure to check out me and Andrew’s Top 10 Board Games of 2020 list.

And are you a new gamer and not sure what kind of games are right for you? We have a gamer style quiz where you can find out! Check it out if you are curious.

AlliesAllies & Antagonists: A Big Book of D&D 5e NPCs

A 200+ page D&D 5e sourcebook packed full of unique non-player characters and over 100 pieces of fantasy art. Produced by Grim Press.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: CA$18+
Ends: Tuesday, January 5th
Check it out

ISS VangaurdISS Vanguard by Awaken Realms

ISS Vanguard is an upcoming major board game from Awaken Realms. It will feature a 1-4 player co-operative gameplay that will immerse you in an amazing adventure among the stars, as you lead the first human galactic exploration effort.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $99+
Ends: Thursday, January 7th
Check it out

StorymastersThe Storymaster’s Tales “Towers” and expansions

“Towers” game & expansions. Core games available. Hybrid role-playing, boardgame & gamebook. Family folklore fun! 1-5 players. 6-Adult

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: £15+
Ends: Friday, January 8th
Check it out



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