Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarter of the Week: Vye

Kickstarter of the Week: Vye


Vye KickstarterSometimes a game catches your eye because of its nice looking artwork and you’re forced to stop and take a look. That’s what happened to me this week while browsing through Kickstarter. I stumbled across Vye, our newest Kickstarter of the Week and was pulled in by the unique looking artwork. After watching the short how to play video, I also found out that the game play also seems pretty fun. Vye is an easy to learn card game for 2-4 players that appears to mainly be an area control game.

From the Kickstarter Page:

Vye CardsVye is an area control game that plays quickly across an ever increasing, and oftentimes contentious board, usually taking less than half an hour. The game is made up of 53 beautifully illustrated cards and 100 wooden tokens in 4 different colors. It has been favorably compared to Carcassonne, Fealty, Robber Knights and Go.

To play, you take five cards and lay them out as the unconquered lands of Vye. Players choose a color and put their matching house, and tokens in front of them. When played, each family member in a house claims neighboring cards with a unique trait. You’re dealt four cards and during your turn you can play from either your hand or from family. Playing your cards strategically enables you to capture your opponent’s lands and control the largest kingdom, thereby winning the game. Will you see your kingdom fractured or will you remain united and claim the kingdom of Vye before time runs out?

I’m intrigued by the game play in Vye and think that the inclusion of the “House Cards” was a clever idea. I’m looking forward to trying this one out when it’s published and I’m glad that the game seems to be very accessible. If you’d like to become a backer, a $20 pledge will get you a copy of the game and any stretch rewards. Vye is scheduled to be in backers hands in June of 2015 and you have until Thursday, Oct 16th to become a backer. So head over today and check it out.
Vye: The Card Game -- Kicktraq Mini

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