Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarter of the Week: Galaxy Defenders Season 2

Kickstarter of the Week: Galaxy Defenders Season 2


Galaxy-Defenders-S2A few months ago I got my hands on an incredibly fun, if somewhat late, game that I had backed on Kickstarter. Galaxy Defenders is a cooperative, tactical minis games published by Ares Games set in a futuristic world. I’ve been able to get it to my gaming table a few times already and found it to be a blast. For anyone that’s played the video game X-Com: Enemy Unknown, this is basically a board game version.

Well for those that missed the original Kickstarter (and the exclusive promos that came with it), you’re in luck. Ares Games in back on Kickstarter with their newest offering in the Galaxy Defenders line. Season Two offers 2 new expansions promising more scenarios, more campaigns and a whole new host of 80’s & 90’s inspired heroes and monsters for your gaming table.

From the Kickstarter Page:

Galaxy Defenders Season 2Galaxy Defenders is a cooperative tactical board game, inspired by the classical Sci-Fi movies and video games of the ’80s and ’90s.

The rewards of that Kickstarter have been delivered to our backers a few months ago. Now, we’re ready – with your support – to bring the game to the next level, with two boxed expansions unified by “The Earth Strikes Back” storyline – featuring the counter-attack of the defenders of the Earth against the Alien invaders.

By backing this Kickstarter, you will receive a copy of the two new expansions of our Sci-Fi game – Operation Strikeback and Extinction Protocol.

You will also receive two exclusive miniatures – Niobium and Tritium – available only to the backers of this project.

The project has already blown past its funding goal and is well on its way to unlocking many stretch goals. If you’d like to become a backer, a $120 pledge will get you a copy of both expansions and any applicable stretch rewards. Galaxy Defenders Season 2 is scheduled to be in backers hands in February of 2015 and the campaign is already trending towards half a million dollars (according to kicktraq). If you want to become a backer, you have until Tuesday, June 17th to make your pledge. So head over today and check it out.

Galaxy Defenders - The Earth Strikes Back! boardgame -- Kicktraq Mini

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