Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarter of the Week: Compounded – Geiger Expansion

Kickstarter of the Week: Compounded – Geiger Expansion


Compounded Geiger KickstarterAbout a year and a half ago, the fine folks at Dice Hate Me Games ran a Kickstarter for a game called Compounded. This set collection game put the players in the role of scientists working in a lab, trying to form compounds from various elements. Having played the game numerous times, I’m impressed with both the games’ accessibility and its fantastic graphic design & components. Dice Hate Me Games (DHMG) did a really great job of putting this one together.

This is also why I was excited when I saw that DHMG was back on Kickstarter with a brand new expansion for Compounded. This new Geiger Expansion adds a number of different elements to compounded. (see what I did there?) One of the things I like best of about the Geiger expansion is the increase in player interaction to the game.

From the Kickstarter Page:

Geiger ElementsThe Geiger Expansion gives experienced scientists even more to consider in the lab with the introduction of radioactive elements and compounds. Scientists will have to keep a close eye on the Geiger counter, because as productivity in the lab increases, so does the chance for radioactivity levels to soar dangerously high.

The Geiger Expansion introduces a new, interactive paradigm to the base game of Compounded, as players will now sometimes have to work together to eliminate or reduce the threat of radioactivity. Of course, those players with a propensity for causing chaos will have even more methods at their disposal, ensuring that each game will be exciting and dynamic.

For owners of Compounded (like me), backing this expansion should be a no-brainer. The good news is if you don’t have the base game, you can get it via this Kickstarter (either with or without the expansion). If you’d like to become a backer, a $20 pledge will get you a copy of the game and all stretch goals. The Geiger expansion is scheduled to be in backer’s hands in March of 2015. You have until Sunday, August 31st to become a backer, so head over today and check it out.
Compounded: Geiger Expansion -- Kicktraq Mini

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