Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarter of the Week: Hollywood

Kickstarter of the Week: Hollywood


Hollywood KickstarterI’ll be the first to admit it; I know absolutely nothing about the board gaming scene in Russia. Until recently, my exposure to Russian games started and ended with Tetris (maybe you’ve heard of it?). Well that all changed last year when we had a chance to preview Septikon for their successful Kickstarter campaign. It was a fun little game that I am looking forward to playing again.

Well the publishers behind Septikon are back on Kickstarter with their newest offering from across the ocean. Hollywood: Make Your Own Blockbuster, is our newest Kickstarter of the Week and is what appears to be a fun and clever card game. In Hollywood, players take on the role of a movie producer trying to do what you might expect. Make money. The game looks easy to learn, has some creative rules and seems like it could be a good time.

From the Kickstarter Page:

Hollywood GameHollywood is a board game for 2-6 players and it plays in about 30 minutes! You will pick the most talented actors at drafting, win superstars contracts at auctions and create award-winning blockbusters. Our game is easy to play for newcomers but offers enough depth to satisfy board game veterans.

Hollywood was released in 2013 in Russia. It became an instant hit among boardgamers and got positive feedback from reviewers. We were humbled to receive the “Best Family Game” award for Hollywood at Igrosfera — the largest regional board game fair.

Over the past few months the most frequent question we were asked was: “When will the international edition of your game be published?” We are happy to say that Hollywood can finally become available to every boardgamer! But only with your support the international edition of Hollywood will beсome a reality!

The Kickstarter page is littered with reviews from over half a dozen different people if you are looking for an independent take on Hollywood. You can also head over there for a wealth of other information on the game including a rulebook, overviews, and stretch goals. If you’d like to become a backer, a $40 pledge will get you a copy of Hollywood and all stretch goals. The game is scheduled to be in backer hands in December of 2014 and you have until Thursday, June 19th to become a backer. So head over today and check it out.
Hollywood: Make Your Own Blockbuster -- Kicktraq Mini

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