Home Board Game News Gen Con Badges Available on Jan 27

Gen Con Badges Available on Jan 27


Gen Con LogoThis weekend, Gen Con attendee badges will be going on sale. If you’ve never been, Gen Con is billed as “The Best 4 Days in Gaming”. I’ve attended Gen Con every year for the past decade or so and wouldn’t miss it for the world. Whether you are a fan of board games, RPGs, video games or Cosplay, there is something there for everyone. If you are within driving distance on Indianapolis, then I’d highly recommend making the trip out to Gen Con. I consider Gen Con my yearly inner-geek pilgrimage. I get to spend 4 days fully embracing my board game and RPG passion with other like minded people.

Badge Preregistration starts on January 27th at Noon and you save $10 by signing up early. You will also need a badge to get access to the Gen Con housing block (pretty much every hotel in the city is blocked out for the event) and to register for events (they fill up quickly). To register, head over to www.gencon.com next week and get your badge!


  1. Thanks for the reminder.
    I have never been to GenCon and going there is one of my major goals for 2013. It’s a long trek from Seattle. So flying the whole family out there would be prohibitively expensive, and leave me with little cash for buying lots of goodies. I may have to go solo on this one.

    Tony, you mentioned events filling up quickly. As a huge board game fan what would you suggest registering for and anything else that I shouldn’t miss?

    • For board gamers, there are 3 areas I’d look into. The first, is obviously the exhibit hall. It’s free and the largest area. Publishers have all their latest games out for free demos. Also check out the Board Game Library. For one price each day, you can check out and play as many games as you want.
      For events, the biggest board game event will be tournaments. Take a look at the event grid and see if your favorite board game will be hosting a tournament at Gen Con. Many do!


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