Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarter of the Week – FrogFlip

Kickstarter of the Week – FrogFlip


FrogFlip KickstarterWhenever I peruse the new board game Kickstarter projects, I always keep an eye out for ones that would be great for my kids. Unfortunately, I missed our new Kickstarter of the Week until just last week.

FrogFilp is a two person dexterity game where players take a small frog disk and flip it at cards with lily pads to gain points if you hit or land on the cards. The game is designed by Jason Kotarski (Great Heartland Hauling Company) and a new up’n coming designer Claire, Jason’s three year old daughter.

From the Kickstarter page:

All you need is a flat surface to lay out your four lilypads – any table will do. Shuffle the deck of target cards and you’re good to go! Players flip the disc from the side of the table, with the amount of flies on the card telling them which lilypad they’re aiming for…Hit the right target and you get to claim that card, adding to your points score for the game. Land on the target and things are even better – you flip the card to show that you’ve scored double for that Flip! Once all cards have been claimed, whoever has the highest score is the winner – but as FrogFlip is so quick to play it doesn’t take long to reset and challenge again.


The game is incredibly simple, however, within simplicity lies its charm. The game seems like it would be a joy to play with adults or kids. I can just imagine my gaming group taking a wooden coin, trying to flip it onto lily pads and I start smiling. I also feel that I would have no major advantage over my daughter in this game. She can flip a coin and if she had seen me play Dungeon Fighter, Catacombs and other dexterity games, she wouldn’t be intimidated. There is a lot of luck in this game, but after some time and experience I think people could get much better at this game. If you need a quick dexterity family game, this one fits the bill.

FrogFlip has already reached full funding. A $19 investment will get you a copy of the game and all the stretch rewards. The game is expected to be delivered in October of 2013. Head over there today if you liked to know more about the project. You have until August 3rd to become a backer.

FrogFlip from Sprocket Games -- Kicktraq Mini

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