Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Kickstarter of the Week – Freedom: The Underground Railroad

Kickstarter of the Week – Freedom: The Underground Railroad


Freedom KickstarterIf you want to make a tabletop game, one of the first things you have to do is figure out your theme. These days, it seems like there are more zombie games and Cthulhu games then you could play in a lifetime. So when a game comes along with a fresh, new theme, I’m immediately intrigued. Freedom: The Underground Railroad is a game set in the 1800’s during America’s past. For those who don’t remember their childhood history classes, the Underground Railroad was a way for slaves to escape from the south to the freedom of the North.

From the Kickstarter Campaign:

Freedom Game BoardDuring the game, players need to work together in an effort to achieve two victory conditions. First, the players need to raise the strength of the Abolitionist movement through the acquisition of Support Tokens. Next, the players also need to help Slaves escape from the plantations in the south, moving them north to freedom in Canada while avoiding the Slave Catchers that are roaming the board. If the players are able to achieve both conditions before the end of the game, they win. Of course this is not going to be easy, but through careful planning and strategy, the group can recreate history, helping to bring down the institution of slavery.

The game components (from what I can see on the campaign page) look fantastic and I’m eager to get this game on my tabletop. I also like that this game is cooperative as I can’t imagine anyone wanting to play a slave holder. Looking at the game play videos, Freedom: The Underground Railroad looks very well done and a good challenge as well.

The campaign has long since blown past its funding goal and hit at least 7 stretch rewards. The game is scheduled to be in backers hands, surprisingly, next month. For a $60 pledge you can get a copy of the game and all stretch rewards. You have until Sunday, August 18 to back the game so head over there today if you want a copy.
Freedom The Underground Railroad by Academy Games -- Kicktraq Mini

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