Home Board Game News Flamecraft Promo Card Giveaway

Flamecraft Promo Card Giveaway


Flamecraft PromoIf you haven’t played it before, Flamecraft is a fun little worker placement and set collection game that will have you using dragons to compete for victory points. It’s a light game that’s pretty accessible to just about any type of gamer.

For those of you have already have the game, or even just want to get it someday, we’ve got something that may interest you. Thanks to the generous people at Cardboard Alchemy, we have a pile of The Rare Medium promo cards for Flamecraft to give away. And since a lot of Flamecraft’s charm comes from its cute dragon art, we figured we’d have a little fun this time around.

If you’d like to win one of these promo cards, then draw us a dragon! Show us your artistic skills and we’ll pick our favorite dragons to win a card. It’s okay if your drawing skills aren’t at the level of Vincent Dutrait’s. Even your best Pictionary-style dragon is cool with us. And look at it this way, your dragon can’t be any worse than Brian B’s Wolverine. Truly it’s a sight to behold.

There are multiple ways to enter:

Draw us a dragon in any style you want (no AI art though). It can be as simple or detailed as you like. Once it’s done, you can post it to our Facebook Fan Group, Discord Channel, and/or on Twitter (I’m still not calling it X) and tag us.

We’ll pick our favorite two dragons on each of those platforms and send the winners a promo card. Feel free to post your same dragon to each of those, or even do a different one for each. The choice is yours!

Links for the lazy:
Facebook Fan Group

And for those who really, really just don’t want to draw, you can also enter the old-fashioned way using the widget below (which will pick two random winners).

You have until Friday, October 27 to enter, with the winners being drawn shortly after that.

Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tony Mastrangeli
While he will play just about anything (ok, except heavy euros. That's just not his thing). But he loves games that let him completely immerse himself in the theme. He's also known as a bit of a component addict and can be seen blinging out his games. As of Jan 2025, Tony also works for Office Dog and Z-Man Games, so you won't see him reviewing Asmodee games anyone. He still plays plenty of them though!


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