Home Board Game News Digital Version of Undaunted Normandy is Coming Soon from Bookmark Games

Digital Version of Undaunted Normandy is Coming Soon from Bookmark Games


Today, game developer Bookmark Games (Pavlov’s House) announced the upcoming release of a digital version of Undaunted: Normandy. Published by Osprey Games, Undaunted Normandy is a combination deck-building game and skirmish game set during World War 2. The game has won more than a few awards and has even gone on to spawn a number of expansions, both a traditional one and a standalone in the form of Undaunted: Africa. In fact, a second stand-alone expansion is due out this fall called Undaunted: Stalingrad.

Undaunted Normandy digital

However, for players looking to get in a game of Undaunted by themselves, right now the only option is to pick up the Undaunted: Reinforcements expansion. It has a solo mode using a card and AI system. Yet that’s about to change as Bookmark Games is set to release a digital version of Undaunted Normandy for PC, Mac, and iOS.

Key features from their press release:
• A faithful recreation of the original board game.
• An original card and dice driven mechanic making the game highly replayable.
• All scenarios from the original board game plus two additional scenarios.
• Play individual scenarios or a full campaign (on Full Release).
• Play solo against three different levels of difficulty.
• Cross platform online multiplayer (play by email) or local hotseat.
• Learn the game through a quick and engaging tutorial.
• 1944 Normandy rendered in 3D maps with animated units.
• Original music compositions by Gabriel Berger.

Undaunted Normandy will be available for Early Access from Q3 2022, with a full release planned for Q1 2023.

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  1. There has been no recent news on the game, which was supposed to release on Steam in the last quarter of 2022. There is currently 510 people following the discussion on Steam, which would potentially net the company thousands of dollars when the game releases early access. 510 people*$10-20=$5,100 to $10,200. Please release it!

    • Where can I sell products where my “net” ignores cost of development and Steam’s cut of the proceeds? Sounds like a sweet deal.


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