Home Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week – 6/10/24

Crowdfunding Campaigns of the Week – 6/10/24


June rolls on and with it, so do the campaigns. While we don’t have a really big offering this week, what we do have are some quality looking games for you to check out.

And in case you missed it on Friday, be sure to check out Tony’s list of the Top 10 Board Games Based on a Video Game… Again.

Also, if you want to chat with the BGQ team, join our Discord Server where we talk about games, movies, sports, and other fun stuff. Or if Facebook is more your speed, join our BGQ Gamers Facebook Group. Check it out and come chat about board games with us!

RebirthRebirth: Limited Edition

A brand new, tile-laying game from Reiner Knizia, set in a lush and hopeful future.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: €45+
Ends: Wednesday, June 12th
Check it out

Mustang LeaderDVG – Mustang Leader

The WWII Air War Over Europe Solitaire Game!

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $90+
Ends: Wednesday, June 12th
Check it out

Big SurBig Sur, Grand Central Skyport, Sand Art, & Wine Cellar

Mix and match your pledge from four new games across a variety of styles, themes, and player counts to elevate your next game night.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $15+
Ends: Friday, June 14th
Check it out

All Time WrestlingAll Time Wrestling: Rumble in Abu Dhabi

All Time Wrestling is back, now with Rumble Matches and New Legends: Sgt Slaughter, JYD, Kamala, Nick Aldis & more!

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $49+
Ends: Monday, June 17th
Check it out

OathOath: New Foundations

Return to the critically acclaimed world of Oath with expansions that offer players new ways to make the game their own.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $125+
Ends: Tuesday, June 18th
Check it out


Game-of-the-year winner Feudum is back with the 7th anniversary collector’s edition featuring an exclusive clockwork behemoth! Grrrrrrrrrr.

Current Status: Funded!
Pledge Amount: $75+
Ends: Thursday, June 13th
Check it out



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