Home Board Game News Brazil: Imperial Giveaway

Brazil: Imperial Giveaway


Brazil: ImperialFor those in our Board Game Quest Facebook Group, you’ll recall that last week I got to try out Brazil: Imperial for the first time. While I still need a bunch more plays before I’m ready to write the review, the early returns are definitely looking positive. For those that may not know, Brazil: Imperial is a self-described “Euro X” style game—”a new style of game that combines Eurogames (in which you collect and manage resources) and 4x games (in which you explore, expand, exploit and exterminate).” Sound interesting? You bet! Want to give it a try? Well today is your lucky day… potentially.

Thanks to the generosity of Portal Games, we have a brand-new copy we are giving away to one lucky reader. As usual, entering to win is easy. Just click on the widget below and you are in! And be sure to grab some of those bonus entries while you are at it!

You have until Tuesday, February 28th, 2023, to enter, with the winner being announced shortly after that. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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