Home Board Game News Cyberpunk Playing Cards on Kickstarter Ending Soon

Cyberpunk Playing Cards on Kickstarter Ending Soon


Cyberpunk Playing Card DeckAs any faithful reader of the site knows, I love the cyberpunk genre. If you are new to the site, just check out my glowing review of Android: Netrunner. A fantastic game with some amazing cyberpunk artwork.

Recently, I’ve had my eye on a deck of Cyberpunk playing cards that’s currently in funding on Kickstarter. I stumbled across them the other day and they look pretty amazing. They have already crossed over $50,000 in funding and the latest stretch goal will get you a 3D playing card.

Here are some of the features of the Synthesis playing card deck:

  • Full color
  • Metallic Inks
  • Embossed and foiled tuck box
  • Intricately designed playing card backs
  • Unique court cards
  • Custom Jokers
  • “Magic” finish that allows cards to handle smoothly & last longer
  • Unique gaff card for card tricks
  • Custom pips – every card is unique

The court cards look really impressive and the kickstarter video even has footage of them drawing the card artwork:

Cyberpunk Playing Cards

There is less then 48 hours left, so if you want your deck, head over there now.

 Find Out More Button


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