Home Board Game News Aether Captains Giveaway

Aether Captains Giveaway


Aether Captains Giveaway

Last week we previewed Aether Captains, a unique war game currently in funding on Kickstarter from MAGE Company. It’s a fun little game with some unique components. If you want to know more about the game play, you can check out our full preview or visit their Kickstarter page.

Thanks to the generosity of the fine folks at Mage Company, we are giving away a copy of Aether Captains, with all included stretch goals (once it’s produced of course). However, we are going to make you work for it a little this time. Below is a link to a quiz with 5 questions about Aether Captains. All answers can be found on their Kickstarter page. For every answer you get correct, we’ll give you 5 entries into the contest. And just because were so nice, we even included a way for you to gain a couple of bonus entries (the box at the bottom). You have until Friday, May 6th to enter. Good Luck!

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  1. Tony, I found this quiz a bit confusing. Q3 and Q5 are not within the rulebook or their kickstarter site. In regards to Q3, there are no ships that are named listed here. From what I understand, the rulebook calls these ships out on page 6.

    There is no Target Zone that I can see. There is the Neutral Zone.

    I could be completely off so feel free to tell me that I’m wrong.


    • Thanks for the comments Josh. The questions were supplied by Mage Company, so I’ll follow up with them on the missing information.

    • Just a quick update, Mage Compony says to check around, all the information is on the campaign page (maybe the updates too). 🙂

      • Interesting. BGG often does these types of giveaways as well and the typical fishing on those ones are to review rulebook and main Kickstarter page. The idea is to give exposure to the game, Kickstarter campaign, and to help push to understand the game. Unfortunately, I, obviously, spent more time trying to figure this out which ended up causing more frustration on my end. My feedback to Mage Company would be to not make it a witch hunt but make it a learning experience that leaves someone feeling good about a product they just did some research on. Obviously that’s just my opinion. Definitely appreciate your follow up and hope the clues help others.


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