Home Board Game News 2020 Board Game Award Nominees

2020 Board Game Award Nominees


2020 Board Game Award Nominees

Welcome to the 8th annual Board Game Quest Board Game Awards. Each year we take some time to honor the best and most creative new tabletop games from the previous years. For those wondering, we usually wait until spring to announce our nominees to give us time to play games that came out late in the winter.

As usual, we have a total of 11 award categories this year, with 5 nominees in each. Even with the crazy year that was 2020, our editorial staff was able to play a ton of games and have chosen some stand-out titles that we would like to nominate. It’s from among these nominations that we will choose a winner. However, since we wouldn’t be doing this without you, our awesome readers, you get a vote as well!

Below is a poll for each of the 11 categories to allow you to cast a vote for which games you think should win. Our readers here will collectively get one vote, and along with each member of our editorial staff, the winner will be chosen. The voting will be open until April 10th, 2021 and the winners will be announced shortly thereafter.

Congratulations to all of this year’s nominees!

2020 Board Game Award Nominees

Best Cooperative Game

Marvel United
Marvel United
Designers: Andrea Chiarvesio, Eric M. Lang
CMON Games/Spinmaster Games
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Aliens Another Glorious Day in the Corps
Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps
Designer: Andrew Haught
Gale Force Nine
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Project Elite
Project Elite
Designer: Konstantinos Kokkinis, Marco Portugal, Sotirios Tsantilas
CMON Games
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Forgotten Waters
Forgotten Waters
Designer: Mr. Bistro, J. Arthur Ellis, Isaac Vega
Plaid Hat Games
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Scooby-Doo Escape the Haunted Mansion
Scooby-Doo: Escape from the Haunted Mansion
Designer: Jay Cormier, Sen-Foong Lim, Kami Mandell
The Op
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Best Tactical/Combat Game

Unmatched: Cobble and Fog
Unmatched: Cobble and Fog
Designer: Rob Daviau, Justin D. Jacobson, Chris Leder
Restoration Games
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Best Tactical Game
Aliens Another Glorious Day in the Corps
Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps
Designer: Andrew Haught
Gale Force Nine
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Project Elite
Project Elite
Designer: Konstantinos Kokkinis, Marco Portugal, Sotirios Tsantilas
CMON Games
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Super Fantasy Brawl
Super Fantasy Brawl
Designer: Jochen Eisenhuth
Mythic Games
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Change is Constant
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures: Change is Constant
Designer: Daniel Lansdown, Pete Walsh, Kevin Wilson
IDW Games
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Best Digital Board Game

Developer: Direwolf Digital
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Best Digital Board Game
On Tour
On Tour
Developer: Board Game Tables
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Roll for the Galaxy
Roll For The Galaxy
Developer: Temple Gates Games
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Designer: Northstar Games
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Developer: BrettspielWelt
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Best Game Expansion

Unmatched: Cobble and Fog
Unmatched: Cobble and Fog
Designer: Rob Daviau, Justin D. Jacobson, Chris Leder
Restoration Games
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Best Game Expansion
Root Underworld
Root: The Underworld Expansion
Designer: Patrick Leder, Cole Wehrle
Leder Games
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Gùgōng: Pànjūn
Designer: Andreas Steding
Game Brewer
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Wingspan Oceania
Wingspan: Oceania Expansion
Designer: Elizabeth Hargrave
Stonemaier Games
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Rise of the Red Skull
Marvel Champions: Rise of the Red Skull
Designers: Michael Boggs, Nate French, Caleb Grace
Fantasy Flight Games
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Best Production Values

Tidal Blades
Tidal Blades: Heroes of the Reef
Designer: Tim Eisner, Ben Eisner
Druid City Games
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Best Production Values
Rococo: Deluxe Edition
Designer: Matthias Cramer, Stefan Malz, Louis Malz
Eagle-Gryphon Games
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Dwellings of Eldervale
Dwellings of Eldervale
Designer: Luke Laurie
Breaking Games
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Planet Apocalpyse
Planet Apocalypse
Designer: Sandy Petersen
Petersen Games
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Super Fantasy Brawl
Super Fantasy Brawl
Designer: Jochen Eisenhuth
Mythic Games
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Best Thematic Game

Forgotten Waters
Forgotten Waters
Designer: Mr. Bistro, J. Arthur Ellis, Isaac Vega
Plaid Hat Games
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Best Thematic Game
Aliens Another Glorious Day in the Corps
Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps
Designer: Andrew Haught
Gale Force Nine
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Rallyman GT
Rallyman GT
Designer: Jean-Christophe Bouvier
Holy Grail Games
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The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride Adventure Book Game
Designer: Ryan Miller
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Detective Season One
Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game: Season One
Designer: Ignacy Trzewiczek, Merry Trzewiczek, Weronika Spyra
Portal Games
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Best Game from a Small Publisher

The Grand Carnival
The Grand Carnival
Designers: Rob Cramer
Uproarious Games
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Best Game from a Small Publsiher
Altar Quest
Altar Quest
Designer: Adam Sadler, Brady Sadler
Blacklist Games
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High Rise
High Rise
Designer: Gil Hova
Formal Ferret Games
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Trekking the World
Trekking the World
Designers: Charlie Bink
Underdog Games
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Honey Buzz
Honey Buzz
Designer: Paul Salomon
Elf Creek Games
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Best Two Player Game

One Small Step
One Small Step
Designer: James DuMond, Gunter Eickert, James Schoch
Academy Games
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Best Two Player Game
Undaunted North Africa
Undaunted: North Africa
Designer: Trevor Benjamin, David Thompson
Osprey Games
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Cthulhu Wars Duel
Cthulhu Wars: Duel
Designer: Sandy Petersen
Petersen Games
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Curious Cargo
Curious Cargo
Designer: Ryan Courtney
Capstone Games
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Super Fantasy Brawl
Super Fantasy Brawl
Designer: Jochen Eisenhuth
Mythic Games
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Best Strategy/Euro Game

The Lost Ruins of Anark
Lost Ruins of Arnak
Designer: Elwen and Mín
Czech Games Edition
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Best Strategy Game
On Mars
On Mars
Designer: Vital Lacerda
Eagle-Gryphon Games
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Designer: Scott Petersen
All-Aboard Games
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Dwellings of Eldervale
Dwellings of Eldervale
Designer: Luke Laurie
Breaking Games
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Kanban EV
Kanban: EV
Designer: Vital Lacerda
Eagle-Gryphon Games
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Best Family Game

Marvel United
Marvel United
Designers: Andrea Chiarvesio, Eric M. Lang
CMON Games/Spinmaster Games
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Best Family Game
Zombie Teenz Evolution
Zombie Teenz Evolution
Designer: Annick Lobet
Le Scorpion Masqué
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My City
My City
Designer: Reiner Knizia
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Designer: Nick Bentley, Dominic Crapuchettes, Ben Goldman, Brian O’Neill
Northstar Games
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The Isle of Cats
Isle of Cats
Designer: Frank West
The City of Games
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Game of the Year

Rallyman GT
Rallyman GT
Designer: Jean-Christophe Bouvier
Holy Grail Games
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Game of the Year
Dwellings of Eldervale
Dwellings of Eldervale
Designer: Luke Laurie
Breaking Games
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Marvel United
Marvel United
Designers: Andrea Chiarvesio, Eric M. Lang
CMON Games/Spinmaster Games
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The Lost Ruins of Anark
Lost Ruins of Arnak
Designer: Elwen and Mín
Czech Games Edition
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Designer: Scott Petersen
All-Aboard Games
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Note: Whichever game wins Game of the Year will automatically be removed from any of the above categories except Best Production Values. Our reasoning is if a game wins Game of the Year, chances are it should win any of the other categories by default. That just seemed a bit redundant. If a game wins Game of the Year, you know it is really good.

Disclosure: An employee for Petersen Games also writes for Board Game Quest. He will be abstaining from voting for in the Best Two Player Game and Best Production Values categories.

Tony Mastrangeli
While he will play just about anything (ok, except heavy euros. That's just not his thing). But he loves games that let him completely immerse himself in the theme. He's also known as a bit of a component addict and can be seen blinging out his games. As of Jan 2025, Tony also works for Office Dog and Z-Man Games, so you won't see him reviewing Asmodee games anyone. He still plays plenty of them though!


  1. And where is Dune Imperium? That’s a glaring omission. Futhermore, and perhaps most egregious, is the fact that there’s no category for Best Solo Board Game. Are you kidding me? You’ve got Best Two Player and Best Cooperative, but no Best Solo? Very discriminatory. Your selections need serious revision STAT.

    • Dune Imperium was actually considered in the Best Strategy Game Category, but didn’t make it out of our first wave of nominations as the other five games we chose were all stronger candidates in our opinion.

    • Usually it’s a solo gamer feeling offended and entitled because a game lacks a solo mode. Now it’s “discriminatory” because a website isn’t catering to them. Definitely the Karens of the board game community.

  2. Ommiting Dune Imperium is a travesty. What a great game all around. It even got better reviews on BGG than its competitors.

    • BGG has a reputation for giving positive opinions on most every game. Even games that are universally panned such as Seafall have an average score of 6.3, which by BGG’s scoring metric is saying that reviewers would play it if in the mood. So BGG’s average score has little-to-no weight on how good a game is, based on what I know of the writing staff.

      As for omitting it, you have to recognize that we cannot get every game played from the year. Dune Imperium released incredibly late in the year for starters, and just because it didn’t win an award doesn’t mean you can’t think that it’s a good game. It’s the same with the fans of Gloomhaven. Any time we neglect to mention it in a category, the comments are flooded with “Where is Gloomhaven? This is a travesty.” So we continually have to mention that we as a staff can appreciate Gloomhaven, but are not fans.


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