Home Board Game News 2015 Board Game Award Winners

2015 Board Game Award Winners


BGQ Award Winners

Recently we announced the nominees for our 3rd Annual Board Game Awards. We do this every year to highlight some truly amazing games in an age where we are inundated with gaming choices.

Each member of our editorial staff has cast their vote, along with a combined vote from our readers. Thanks to the hundreds upon hundreds of you that took the time to vote for your favorite games of 2015. There were many great board games produced last year and we always enjoy being able to highlight some of the best. Now, without further ado, we present our…

2015 Board Game Award Winners

Best Cooperative Game

Best Cooperative Game

The Grizzled Award WinnerThe Grizzled
Designer: Fabien Riffaud, Juan Rodriguez
Cool Mini or Not Games
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The Grizzled is a game we play quite often, yet rarely win. Players must work together to try to survive the horrors of the great World War. The Grizzled boasts abstract gameplay with some unique artwork. The rules are easy enough to be picked up by just about anyone, while the gameplay is challenging enough for even the most hardcore gamers.

Runner Up: T.I.M.E Stories


Best Tactical/Combat Game

Blood Rage

Blood Rage WinnerBlood Rage
Designer: Eric Lang
Cool Mini or Not Games
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Eric Lang must never sleep. He is constantly pumping out new games and many of them are really, really good. In 2015, Blood Rage took us by surprise at to how much we enjoyed it. Some fun combat mechanics, card drafting and awesome looking miniatures made Blood Rage a game that we are constantly reaching for. This will be a game that is sure to be in our collection for a long time to come.

Runner Up: Cthulhu Wars


Most Innovative Game

Time Stories

Time Stories WinnerT.I.M.E Stories
Designer: Peggy Chassenet, Manuel Rozoy
Space Cowboys
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With its looping game play and episodic nature, T.I.M.E Stories is one of the most unique games we played all year. While the game is at its best with four players due to its thematic elements, we have still really enjoyed playing this one even when it’s just the two of us. In typical Space Cowboys fashion, the game also boast high quality artwork and solid components.

Runner Up: XCom: The Board Game


Best Game Expansion

Imperial Settlers: Atlanteans

Imperial Settlers Expansion WinnerImperial Settlers: Atlanteans
Designer: Ignacy Trzewiczek
Portal Games
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We love us some Imperial Settlers. Winner of our 2014 BGQ Award for Best Card Game and also runner-up for Game of the Year, Imperial Settlers is a game we’ll always play. 2015 gave us the first new faction for this engine building game, the Atlanteans. What we liked most about this expansion was how the new faction approached the game differently than all the existing factions. Combine that with new cards for the factions in the base game and you have a great expansion on your hands.

Runner Up: Five Tribes: Artisans of Naqala

Best Production Values

Best Production Values

Best Production ValuesFlick ‘Em Up
Designer: Gaëtan Beaujannot, Jean Yves Monpertuis
Pretzel Games
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Everything about Flick ‘Em Up, the first game released from Pretzel Games, screams high quality. From the wooden game box, to the thick scenario book, to the wooden game pieces. The artwork is also highly thematic and fits perfectly with the game. We could tell a lot of love went into creating this dexterity game and it has caused us to really look forward to Pretzel Games’ next title, whatever that may be.

Runner Up: Blood Rage


Best Thematic Game

Best Thematic Game

Best Thematic GameT.I.M.E Stories
Designer: Peggy Chassenet, Manuel Rozoy
Space Cowboys
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T.I.M.E Stories is back again, winning its second award for the year (and the only game to win two). We mentioned briefly above about T.I.M.E Stories’ thematic nature, which is only enhanced as you add more players. The good and the bad of this is that, while each game is a wholly unique experience, once you “solve” a game, there really isn’t much reason to play it again. Still, having played every expansion to date, T.I.M.E Stories is constantly amazing us with its unique game play. We will probably be picking up every expansion the game offers.

Runner Up: Above and Below


Best Strategy/Euro Game

Isle of Skye Winner

Isle of Skye WinnerIsle of Skye: From Chieftain to King
Designer: Andreas Pelikan, Alexander Pfister
Mayfair Games
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Isle of Skye flew a bit under the radar in 2015 for our team. We finally got a chance to check this tile laying game out and we were instantly hooked. Adding in both set collection and auction mechanics has helped give this game a lot of life. Isle of Skye’s random victory point conditions each game ensures that each game plays out a little differently, giving it a lot of replay value.

Runner Up: Food Chain Magnate


Best Card Game

7 Wonders Duel Winner

7 Wonders: Duel Winner7 Wonders: Duel
Designer: Antoine Bauza, Bruno Cathala
Asmodee Games – Repos Production
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What do you get when you combine two award-winning designers? 7 Wonders: Duel. This 2 player only take on the popular card drafting game was an instant hit for many gaming groups. While 7 Wonders: Duel can be a lot more cutthroat than vanilla 7 Wonders, its unique game play and improved two player experience will have you reaching for this little box when it’s just the pair of you.

Runner Up: Tides of Time


Best Game from a Small Publisher

Cthulhu Wars Winner

Cthulhu Wars WinnerCthulhu Wars
Designer: Sandy Petersen
Petersen Games
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A new category for 2015, we decided it was time to give some love to the new guys out there. Cthulhu Wars is a lovcraftian-themed area control/war game with some stellar looking components. While its price tag isn’t for the meek, the components in the box are sure to turn some heads. Thankfully, the great asymmetrical game play matches up to the game’s exceptional production values.

Runner Up: Burgle Bros.


Game of the Year

Pandemic Legacy Winner

Game of the YearPandemic: Legacy
Designer: Rob Daviau, Matt Leacock
Z-Man Games
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In a landslide vote, Pandemic Legacy wins our award for Game of the Year. From very early on, we were quite eager to get our hands on Pandemic Legacy and this hotly anticipated game did not let us down. We quickly became addicted to the game after the very first game month. Pandemic Legacy takes Pandemic’s easy-to-learn mechanics and mashed them up with a legacy style game creating a unique experience that’s rarely replicated on our tabletops (at least for now). While we wish we could keep on playing this game once we reached the end of the campaign, the journey along the way was more than worth it.

Runner Up: Blood Rage

Note: Per award rules, because it won Game of the Year, Pandemic Legacy was removed from consideration from other award categories.


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