Home Board Game News 18XX/1830 Accessories Giveaway

18XX/1830 Accessories Giveaway


18XX Giveaway

Today we are giving away a couple of items for 18XX gamers from RailsOnBoards.com that can be a great help for new and experienced players alike. For the uninitiated, 18XX games is a genre of board games that focuses around train route building and investing and manipulating the stock market of those train companies. They range from long-to-very-long and have a heavy amount of math involved throughout. If you want a primer, check out our review of 1846: Race for Midwest which is one of the best titles to start your 18XX journey.

The first of the two things we are giving away is a mounted revenue per share board (above photo on the left). Compatible with all 18XX titles, you can use this as a handy reference to quickly determine dividend payouts as it shows all dividends from 10-90% for each potential income.

In addition, you’ll receive updated tokens and labels for the new Lookout Games edition of 1830 (above photo on the right). These wooden discs replace the cardboard chits that come in the game for tracking stock price, par value, revenue and station markers. The 12mm station markers are slightly smaller than the cardboard stations in the game, which fit better in the cities without obscuring the rails.

As usual, entering to win is super easy, just click the button the widget below. And, of course, there are a few easy ways to get some additional chances to win.

You have unit Friday, May 24th to enter, with the winner being announced shortly after that. Good luck!

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